Legacy Donors

We are so grateful to these individuals who have chosen to leave a lasting impact on The Source LGBT+ Center by naming us as an Estate Beneficiary. Their commitment to the mission and values of The Source ensures that our community continues to thrive and flourish. These Legacy Donors inspire us with their foresight and dedication to creating a more inclusive future.

Stetler Brown

"I am a legacy donor for The Source LGBT+ Center because I strongly believe in leaving this world better than I found it. I always tell my communication students to use their voice and resources to make positive change, and this is one way I believe I can make a difference in the Valley where I was raised."


In Loving Memory

We pay tribute to the cherished individuals who have left an indelible mark on The Source LGBT+ Center. Although they may no longer be with us, their profound impact on our organization and the broader community endures, ensuring that The Source remains a beacon of support and empowerment for generations to come. We remember them with gratitude and honor their commitment to a more compassionate world.

Roger Brown