About Us

OUR MISSION is to provide supportive spaces within our communities for LGBTQ+ people to learn, grow, belong, and thrive.

OUR VISION is a Central Valley where all LGBTQ+ people are valued and celebrated.

Developed in collaboration with community stakeholders, leadership, and LGBTQ+ youth, our Theory of Change outlines The Source LGBT+ Center’s focus, values, strategies, and outcomes.

Our Staff

  • Brian


    Executive Director

  • Nick


    Director of Development and Strategy

  • Dean


    Director of HIV Prevention and Services

  • Erika


    Director of Programs

  • Alix


    Programs Manager

  • Stephanie


    Office Manager

  • Mars


    Marketing and Communications Manager

  • Rudy


    Program Manager

  • Renae


    Case Manager / Certified Medical Assistant

  • Jose


    Program Coordinator

  • Keith


    Operations Coordinator

  • Kaede


    Program Coordinator

Our Board

  • Cory D. Jaques, MD

    Board Chair, Medical Advisor

    “I am dedicated to fostering a community where every voice is heard and celebrated, ensuring a brighter, more inclusive future for all.”

  • Brett Woolman, LMFT

    Vice Chair, Clinical Advisor

    “My son came out to me slowly as trans and I wanted to supportive and educated to make his life healthy and happy. We came to The Source to learn and get support in this new part of our life. After attending a transgender support group, we had found new layers of love and kindness for everyone. The Source has been a place of growth, understanding, and acceptance for us and others in the community.”

  • Raquel



    “To offer a space and a voice for people that feel they can’t speak up. I am a queer person who is willing and able to be outspoken. I consider this a privilege. I want to provide inclusivity for people that need a place to exist-just as they are! “

  • Osvaldo Del Valle, EdD.

    Board Member

    “I joined the board because I believe in community involvement and being good citizens. The older I get that sense of duty to my communities grows stronger. We have to create a society that is truly indivisible for all. “

  • Leann Lo

    Board Member

    “I am so excited to serve on the board for The Source! My name is Leann, and I’m a writer in the Central Valley. I am a storyteller by nature, and my professional and personal work is centered on the exchange of stories and how that can cultivate community, foster belonging, and create change. I wholeheartedly believe in the work The Source is doing and am honored to be given the opportunity to contribute my time and abilities to their support and care for our community.”

  • Caity Meader

    Board Member

    “I believe in the power of community. Home is not a place - it’s the people who care about you and accept you for all that you are. The Source is that place for many youth, adults, and families. A place folks can seek safety and support as they navigate the joys and challenges of being fully human in this world. I could not be more proud to serve as an ally to this organization and the incredible people who selflessly offer space inside their hearts to serve others.”

  • Matthew Nelson, PhD

    Board Member

    “Our community is a disco ball made brighter by its multifaceted and colorful histories. We get our shape and beauty through this dazzling texture of our differences. I joined the board because I love this community and because everyone deserves a chance to see themselves sparkle in that music together, a chance to feel that love.”

  • Samir Trehan

    Board Member

    "As someone who isn't from the area, the LGBT+ Community in the Central Valley has provided me with family and a sense of home. Joining the Board will give me the opportunity to continue to nurture the relationships I've made, create new ones, and continue to help the Source in creating a space so that others, like myself, find that same sense of community, regardless of where they are coming from."

Past Board Members

  • Cory D. Jaques MD, Board Chair
    Brett Woolman, LMFT, Vice Chair
    Raquel Lorenz, Secretary
    Cat Webb, Treasurer

    Elissa Gill-Gonzalez, Osvaldo Del Valle, Leann Lo, Caity Meader, Matthew Nelson, PhD, Samir Trehan

  • Bradley Rutledge, Board Chair
    Dr. Cory Jaques, Vice Chair
    Raquel Lorenz, Secretary
    Cat Webb, Treasurer

    Brett Woolman, Elissa Gill-Gonzalez, Osvaldo Del Valle, Richard E. Burchett Jr., Esq., Joel Vargas

  • Bradley Rutledge, Board Chair
    Sergio Urbano, Vice Chair
    Richard E. Burchett Jr., Esq., Secretary
    Cat Webb, Treasurer

    Katia Clark, Elissa Gil-Gonzalez, Sandra Koch, Casey Pownell, Dr. Cory Jaques, Raquel Lorenz, Brett Woolman, Joel Vargas, Osvaldo Del Valle

  • Bradley Rutledge, Board Chair
    Sergio Urbano, Vice Chair
    Richard E. Burchett Jr., Esq., Secretary
    Cat Webb, Treasurer

    Katia Clark, Elissa Gill, Dr. Joe Grecco MD, Dr. Kathryn Hall MD, Sandra Koch, Cassandra Pownell, Nicole Zweifel

  • Bradley Rutledge, Board Chair
    Sergio Urbano, Vice Chair
    Sarah Stephens, Secretary
    Cat Webb, Treasurer

    Richard E. Burchett Jr., Esq., Katia Clark, Elissa Gill, Dr. Kathryn Hall MD, Michelle Mitchell, Nicole Zwiefel

  • Katia Clark, Board Chair
    Bradley Rutledge, Vice-Chair
    Nicole Zweifel, Secretary
    Eva Montfort, Treasurer

    Richard E. Burchett Jr. Esq., Dr. Kathryn Hall MD, Michelle Mitchell, Sarah Stephens

  • Nick Vargas, Board Chair
    Bev Anderson, Vice Chair
    Katia Clark, Secretary
    Eva Montfort, Treasurer

    Dana Galante, Dr. Kathryn Hall MD, Anthony Maldonado, Bradley Rutledge, Sarah Stephens, Nicole Zweifel

  • Nick Vargas, Board Chair
    Bev Anderson, Vice-Chair
    Katia Clark, Secretary
    Dana Galante, Treasurer

    Reyes Anaya, Sara Bratsch, Jim Greer, Dr. Kathryn Hall MD, Trevor Lewis, Anthony Maldonado, Sandra Meade, David Rivera, Debbie Sanchez, Nicole Zweifel

  • Brian Poth, Board Chair
    Bev Anderson, Vice-Chair
    Bill Frolli, Secretary
    Nick Vargas, Treasurer

    Reyes Anaya, Amy Benton, Slade Childers, Don Costa, Dana Galante, Orlando Molina Gonzalez, Dr. Kathryn Hall MD, Kevin Northcraft, Ethan Price, Jim Reeves, Debbie Sanchez, Nicole Zweifel


Founding Board Members
Reyes Anaya, Beverly Anderson, Brian Poth, Bill Frolli, Nick Vargas, and Amy Benton